General terms

All relations between the Client and Vita Specialized Translators S.L. —tax ID no. ES-B42549592 and legal address in Calle Elda 12, 03560 El Campello, Alicante (Spain), registered in the Mercantile Registry of Alicante, volume 4092, page 123, section 8, sheet number 158240, inscription 1, e-mail and phone number (+34) 689 659 118, represented by its manager, Alessandra Vita, resident in Spain, with ID number ES-Y2303485A— shall be governed by the following general terms and conditions. Nevertheless, in the event of incompatibility, the conditions specified in the quote that Vita Specialized Translators S.L. sends to the Client shall apply.


Quotes shall be signed directly by Vita Specialized Translators S.L. and a representative who has been granted power by the Client to confirm the service in question and cover its costs.


The validity date will be specified in each quote. After such date, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall not be obliged to provide the service. Should the Client wish to confirm the service after such time, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. will send a new quote with the applicable updated conditions.

Acceptance of quotes and confirmation of services

Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall consider the following quotes as accepted: 1) quotes that have been duly signed by the Client or an authorized representative, while waiting for the pending payment receipt; 2) quotes whose payment has been duly received or documentation with proof of payment, even though the quote hasn’t been returned signed. Payment implies acceptance of the conditions specified in the quote and of the general terms and conditions laid down in this document, also if the Client did not return a signed copy of the quote in question to Vita Specialized Translators S.L.

Regular Clients

For regular Clients, a single invoice will be issued at the end of the month for all the services provided during the month in question, in accordance with the conditions agreed upon at the beginning of the business relationship. Therefore, it will not be necessary to issue a quote and to wire an upfront payment for each assignment.

Interests on late payments

Interests on late payments of services for which no upfront payment is required shall be charged in accordance with the provisions of Spanish Act no. 3 of 29 December 2004, unless otherwise stated in the quote.

Invoices by post

Should the Client require the invoices to be printed and shipped by post, a surcharge shall be applied as follows: €15 (+ 21% VAT, if applicable) for each invoice to be sent within Spain, and €25 (+ 21% VAT, if applicable) for each invoice to be shipped abroad. Nevertheless, if no upfront payment is requested, the invoice shall be paid within the term specified in the invoice, starting from the date when this is issued in electronic format. Under no circumstance shall the payment term begin when the Client receives or internally processes the hard copy of the invoice sent by post.


Any dispute or litigation arising from the interpretation, execution, compliance or termination of the contract shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the competent Spanish courts and tribunals. In any case, the Spanish legislation shall apply.


Onsite interpreting

Service request and quote

Every time a service is requested, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall determine with the Client the most suitable service modality considering the Client’s needs. Subsequently, the Client will receive a specific quote for the agreed modality (e.g. simultaneous, consecutive, whispered, or bilateral interpreting), language pair, and duration indicated by the Client.


Should the duration of the service exceed the Client’s initial schedule, a surcharge shall be applied, which will be specified in the quote for each assignment. By default, if the duration exceeds the half day, the fee for the full day shall be charged and, after the latter, extra hours will apply.

The duration of the service shall be calculated starting from the hour when the interpreters are summoned by the Client, until the end of the interpreting service for the day, therefore including any break (e.g. coffee, lunch, dinner, etc.). Should the event be longer than the quoted duration, and unless the Client explicitly informs the interpreters that they are dismissed, it shall be tacitly understood that the Client wishes them to keep on providing the interpreting service until the official conclusion of the event on the day in question. Therefore, the Client accepts to pay any applicable surcharge in accordance with the quote.

Technical equipment

Unless requested by the Client or explicitly specified in the quote, the provision of interpreting services does not include any kind of technical equipment (sound-proof booths for simultaneous interpreting, headsets, receivers, microphones, etc.).

Installation and positioning of the interpreting booths

The simultaneous interpreting equipment, in particular booths, shall be installed one day prior to the meeting. In order for the installation to properly take place, the Client shall make sure that the conference room remains free for four hours for the installation and that it has all the necessary features to make such installation viable.

The booths’ position is to be agreed between the Client and Vita Specialized Translators S.L. or the sound company in charge of the installation on behalf of the latter. Maximum efforts shall be made to ensure that interpreters have a direct view of the room and of the speakers.

Screens in the booths

Should any audiovisual content be projected on a screen located at an inadequate distance for the interpreters to see it properly, it would be advisable to install a screen in the interpreting booth to ensure a proper view, or at least to provide in advance all the slides or content to be projected.

The screen in the booth, however, shall be a sine qua non if the booth could not be installed in the same room of the event, with a direct view. Such equipment would imply an additional cost, which might not be considered in the initial quote and which shall be agreed upon with the Client at a later stage.


Vita Specialized Translators S.L. is not responsible for the distribution of the headsets to the participants, nor for their collection at the end of the event. Furthermore, the Client should ask participants to hand in their ID or similar document in exchange for the headsets, given that the Client will bear the cost of any lost unit (around €250).

However, should the Client request so, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. can include the headset distribution and collection service in the quote.

Damage to the equipment

If Vita Specialized Translators S.L. supplies technical equipment, the Client undertakes to replace any lost unit and to bear the cost of any damage caused to the technical equipment (headsets, receivers, microphones, etc.) during the event.

Per diems and travel expenses

If the venue where the service is provided in a city other than the interpreters’ domicile, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall detail in the quote the amount for per diems, travel and accommodation expenses. If the Client directly books and pays for the interpreters’ accommodation, at least a three-star hotel with breakfast included shall be provided.

During the event, the Client will not be obliged to offer lunch/dinner to the interpreters at the venue, unless the time allowed for the meal is shorter than one hour and a half. In this case, per diems shall apply.

If the Client asks the interpreters to join the meal to interpret the conversation between the speakers, the Client shall bear the corresponding costs.


For the interpreters to perform their job adequately, it is imperative that the Client provide Vita Specialized Translators S.L. with comprehensive documentation within the deadline set in the quote.

Were the documentation not to be provided within such deadline, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall apply a surcharge on the interpreting fees in the corresponding invoice in order to partially compensate for the extra hours of interpreters’ preparation prior to the event. Nevertheless, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. declines any responsibility if the service provided were not of the utmost quality for this reason.


Please be aware that no audiovisual content will be interpreted, unless previously provided within the deadline set for the documentation to be sent in.

Working conditions

The Client is required to ensure proper working conditions for the interpreters to perform their job adequately. Otherwise, the interpreters reserve their right to refuse to work until such conditions are met. Such circumstances shall not imply any partial or total reimbursement of the interpreters’ fees as they are beyond the interpreters’ control. For instance, it is fundamental that the interpreters be able to hear the speakers perfectly, without background noises, and that —were technological means to be used (e.g. videoconferencing, telephone interpreting, remote interpreting, etc.)— the sound and video quality be impeccable and without interferences of any sort.

Reading written content

The Client shall inform all the speakers that they are required to speak at a moderate pace for the interpreters to interpret their speeches. Were the speakers to read written content, it is imperative that such material be provided to the interpreters beforehand, within the deadline set for the documentation. Even so, it is still necessary to limit the reading pace —and in general, it is advisable to limit reading written content as much as possible— for interpreters to be able to convey the message in the most effective way.

Interpreters’ functions

The interpreters’ tasks do not include the translation of written texts. Their function is to interpret the event’s oral speeches, and exclusively in the language pair and direction that has been requested and agreed upon. Any written translation shall be quoted separately.


The interpreters are bound by the strictest professional secrecy in relation to the documentation provided and the information they may become acquainted with during the event. The simultaneous interpreting equipment shall not be used to any purpose other than the intended one without the prior consent of Vita Specialized Translators S.L. The interpreters will be responsible for managing their own work at their convenience.

Recording and streaming

The interpretation shall not be broadcast on the radio, television, Internet, or on any other channel, nor shall it be recorded, not even by the listeners, without the prior consent of Vita Specialized Translators S.L. Copyrights and intellectual property rights related to the interpretation belong to Vita Specialized Translators S.L. Any recording and streaming shall entail a surcharge and must be requested and agreed upon in writing between both parties.

Selection of the interpreters

Vita Specialized Translators S.L. is entitled to replace the interpreters initially assigned to an interpreting assignment with others who are equally competent, for practical reasons associated with the company’s internal organization. Such a replacement does not imply any change in the quote that the Client has accepted.

Force majeure

In cases of force majeure —which include transport strikes or suchlike, extremely adverse weather conditions, terrorist attacks, pandemics and epidemics, natural disasters, acts of war, or any other circumstance that manifestly affects the company’s or the interpreters’ capacity to provide the quoted service— Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall inform the Client as soon as possible. If one or more interpreters are unable to provide the service due to illness, accident or death, such inability shall be regarded as force majeure. The responsibility of Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall be limited to deploying all reasonable means to find and assign a new interpreter as a replacement. Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall not be responsible for the consequences of said interpreter not providing the service, or for any delay resulting from a force majeure event.

Should the Client cancel the service due to force majeure, the terms foreseen in the cancellation clause specified in the quote shall apply.

Cancellation of service

Every quote shall include a specific service cancellation policy. By default, 100% of the fee shall be charged if the service is cancelled without significant notice, which shall be specified in the quote. This is due to the fact that the interpreters reserve their availability and, therefore, have to decline any other assignment that is offered to them for the same date, in addition to studying the documentation about the event. Nevertheless, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. will refund the Client for any amount related to per diems, travel and accommodation expenses that are refundable or have not been spent yet.

Partial cancellation

Should the Client wish to cancel only part of the service —e.g. one of the requested language pairs or the technical equipment—, the terms of the cancellation policy indicated in the quote shall apply. Therefore, if the cancellation were made after the free cancellation period —if any—, the applicable percentage for the specific item of the quote that the Client wishes to cancel would be charged.

Changes in the service conditions

Any significant change in the conditions agreed upon between the two parties might be regarded as a cancellation of the service (see the section above) and a request for a new service.

The following would be cases of significant changes:

  • Changes in the dates: if they took place after the maximum time limit to cancel the service free of charge —if any—, the total amount of the service quoted for the days initially agreed upon would be charged by default. Should the Client wish so, the new days of the service could be quoted in a separate, additional quote.
  • Changes in the language pair (e.g. after arranging an English-French simultaneous interpreting service, this is changed to English-Portuguese) or language direction (e.g. after arranging an English-into-German simultaneous interpreting service, a German-into English interpretation is requested instead): if they took place after the maximum time limit to cancel the service free of charge —if any—, the total amount of the service quoted for the language pair/direction initially agreed upon would be charged by default. Should the Client wish so, the new language pair/direction could be quoted in a separate, additional quote.
  • Changes in the venue (city/country): if they took place after the maximum time limit to cancel the service free of charge —if any—, the total amount of the service quoted for the city initially agreed upon would be charged by default. Even so, should the Client wish so, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. would provide the Client with a new quote as soon as the change in the venue is communicated.
  • Changes in the interpreting modality: were the interpreters to interpret in a modality which is different from what is indicated in the quote without prior notice (e.g. a simultaneous interpretation becomes a consecutive service due to technical problems or logistical changes), Vita Specialized Translators S.L. has to approve this change after checking that the working conditions are still adequate, and after agreeing with the Client on the possible surcharge that may apply. Should it be impossible to provide the service under adequate conditions, this would be regarded as either a force majeure event (if it is due to technical or similar reasons) or as a cancellation of the service by the Client. Therefore, the relevant conditions would apply.


Remote interpreting

Service request and quote

Every time a service is requested, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall determine with the Client the most suitable service modality considering the Client’s needs. Subsequently, the Client will receive a specific quote for the agreed modality (e.g. simultaneous, consecutive, whispered, or bilateral interpreting), language pair, and duration indicated by the Client.


Should the duration of the service exceed the Client’s initial schedule, a surcharge shall be applied, which will be specified in the quote for each assignment. By default, if the duration exceeds the half day, the fee for the full day shall be charged and, after the latter, extra hours will apply.

The duration of the service shall be calculated starting from the hour when the interpreters are summoned by the Client, until the end of the interpreting service for the day, therefore including any break (e.g. coffee, lunch, dinner, etc.). Should the event be longer than the quoted duration, and unless the Client explicitly informs the interpreters that they are dismissed, it shall be tacitly understood that the Client wishes them to keep on providing the interpreting service until the official conclusion of the event on the day in question. Therefore, the Client accepts to pay any applicable surcharge in accordance with the quote.

Compulsory requirements for all speakers

The Client shall inform attendees in advance that whoever wishes to take the floor during the remote meeting or event would need to:

  • Always use headsets, ideally with USB connection and noise cancelling. Not doing so will likely lead to a poor audio quality (see the Technical issues section).
  • Join the meeting from their computer (NOT a tablet or phone) with a high-speed wired Internet connection. Using a tablet or phone will likely lead to a poor audio and/or video quality (see the Technical issues section).
  • Mute themselves while not speaking.
  • Activate the camera and look directly at it while speaking.
  • Find a noise-free environment from where to speak.
  • Send in advance to the interpreters any video they want to show and provide documentation for any prepared speech.
  • Speak at a moderate pace and refrain from merely reading written speeches.

Technical equipment

Unless requested by the Client and explicitly specified in the quote, the remote interpreting service does not include providing the Client with any kind of technical equipment or online platform/interpreting hub to hold the meeting.

Working conditions

For remote interpreting services, the sound and video quality need to be impeccable —without background noises, latency, or interferences of any sort— to try to emulate the same working conditions interpreters would require on an onsite assignment.

The Client is required to ensure proper working conditions for the interpreters to perform their job adequately by having all speakers comply with the above-mentioned technical equipment and arranging a proper remote/hybrid solution.

Technical trial before the event

In order to limit technical issues as much as possible when using an online platform or hub, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. recommends that a technical test should be performed on a separate day from the event with the interpreters, the Client, the AV technicians, and the platform staff —if applicable—.

This trial shall be explicitly requested in written, so that Vita Specialized Translators S.L. can arrange it with its team. By default, the time spent in the trial shall be remunerated, as specified in the corresponding quote.

Technical issues

The interpreters reserve their right to refuse to work until proper working conditions are met, for example if audio or image quality is not satisfactory from the interpreters’ perspective. In this scenario, they shall state e.g. “inaudible” or “not visible”, and stop interpreting for as long as necessary.

Such circumstances shall not imply any partial or total reimbursement of the interpreters’ fees as they are beyond the interpreters’ control.

Any resulting delay due to technical issues shall be accounted for as actual time of work. Should the conference eventually need to be rescheduled for such reasons, the initially scheduled service shall be paid in full to Vita Specialized Translators S.L. A new quote shall be issued for the new date, at the Client’s request.

If Vita Specialized Translators S.L. does arrange for the client the online platform or interpreting hub to perform the remote interpreting service, it shall not be held responsible for any technical issue related to such platform/hub. Such an event would be regarded as force majeure, and interpreters would still be paid in full.

Technical issues with only one interpreter

Even if it is always recommendable to have two interpreters for any kind of remote simultaneous assignments, for a very short service of around 30 minutes, an exception can be made —if considered appropriate for that specific scenario by Vita Specialized Translators S.L.— and only one interpreter may take care of it. Nevertheless, in this case, the Client acknowledges and accepts the risks that having just one interpreter implies, not only in terms of quality but also in terms of lack of technical redundancy. Therefore, should there be any technical issues on the interpreter’s side —e.g. Internet connection issues or a general blackout—, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall not be held responsible in any case for any consequent delays or for any total or partial impossibility to perform the interpreting service. Such scenarios would be regarded as beyond the control of Vita Specialized Translators S.L., and the service would still be paid in full.

Damages in case of acoustic shock

Should any interpreter of Vita Specialized Translators S.L. suffer from acoustic shock for speakers not complying with the above-mentioned technical requirements, the Client shall be held liable and Vita Specialized Translators S.L. reserves the right to claim damages.

Recording and streaming

The interpretation shall not be broadcast on the radio, television, Internet, or on any other channel, nor shall it be recorded, not even by the listeners, without the prior consent of Vita Specialized Translators S.L. Copyrights and intellectual property rights related to the interpretation belong to Vita Specialized Translators S.L. Any recording and streaming shall entail a surcharge and must be requested and agreed upon in writing between both parties.

Disclaimer for recordings

The interpretation via audio and video is intended exclusively to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of the event. For this reason, the Client shall display a disclaimer on the interpreted version of the video, and no transcription of the interpretation (not even for captioning) shall be made of it unless explicitly agreed upon in written with Vita Specialized Translators S.L.


Every quote shall include a specific service cancellation policy. By default, 100% of the fee shall be charged if the service is cancelled without significant notice, which shall be specified in the quote. This is due to the fact that the interpreters reserve their availability and, therefore, have to decline any other assignment that is offered to them for the same date, in addition to studying the documentation about the event. Nevertheless, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. will refund the Client for any amount related to per diems, travel and accommodation expenses, which is refundable or has not been spent yet.

Partial cancellation

Should the Client wish to cancel only part of the service —e.g. one of the requested language pairs or the technical solution (platform/hub)—, the terms of the cancellation policy indicated in the quote shall apply. Therefore, if the cancellation were made after the free cancellation period —if any—, the applicable percentage for the specific item of the quote that the Client wishes to cancel would be charged.

Force majeure

In cases of force majeure —which include transport strikes or suchlike, extremely adverse weather conditions, terrorist attacks, pandemics and epidemics, natural disasters, acts of war, technical issues during a remote interpreting assignment or any other circumstance that manifestly affects the company’s or the interpreters’ capacity to provide the quoted service— Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall inform the Client as soon as possible. If one or more interpreters are unable to provide the service due to illness, accident or death, such inability shall be regarded as force majeure. The responsibility of Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall be limited to deploying all reasonable means to find and assign a new interpreter as a replacement. Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall not be responsible for the consequences of said interpreter not providing the service, or for any delay resulting from a force majeure event.

Should the Client cancel the service due to force majeure, the terms foreseen in the cancellation clause specified in the quote shall apply.

If Vita Specialized Translators S.L. does arrange for the client the online platform or interpreting hub to perform the remote interpreting service, it shall not be held responsible for any technical issue related to such platform/hub. Such an event would be regarded as force majeure, and interpreters would still be paid in full.


For the interpreters to perform their job adequately, it is imperative that the Client provide Vita Specialized Translators S.L. with comprehensive documentation within the deadline set in the quote.

Were the documentation not to be provided within such deadline, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall apply a surcharge on the interpreting fees in the corresponding invoice in order to partially compensate for the extra hours of interpreters’ preparation prior to the event. Nevertheless, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. declines any responsibility if the service provided were not of the utmost quality for this reason.


Please be aware that no audiovisual content will be interpreted, unless previously provided within the deadline set for the documentation to be sent in.

Reading written content

The Client shall inform all the speakers that they are required to speak at a moderate pace for the interpreters to interpret their speeches. Were the speakers to read written content, it is imperative that such material be provided to the interpreters beforehand, within the deadline set for the documentation. Even so, it is still necessary to limit the reading pace —and in general, it is advisable to limit reading written content as much as possible— for interpreters to be able to convey the message in the most effective way.

Selection of the interpreters

Vita Specialized Translators S.L. is entitled to replace the interpreters initially assigned to an interpreting assignment with others who are equally competent, for practical reasons associated with the company’s internal organization. Such a replacement does not imply any change in the quote that the Client has accepted.

Interpreters’ functions

The interpreters’ tasks do not include the translation of written texts. Their function is to interpret the event’s oral speeches, and exclusively in the language pair and direction that has been requested and agreed upon. Any written translation shall be quoted separately.


The interpreters are bound by the strictest professional secrecy in relation to the documentation provided and the information they may become acquainted with during the event. The simultaneous interpreting equipment shall not be used to any purpose other than the intended one without the prior consent of Vita Specialized Translators S.L. The interpreters will be responsible for managing their own work at their convenience.

Changes in the service conditions

Any significant change in the conditions agreed upon between the two parties might be regarded as a cancellation of the service (see the section above) and a request for a new service.

The following would be cases of significant changes:

  • Changes in the dates: if they took place after the maximum time limit to cancel the service free of charge —if any—, the total amount of the service quoted for the days initially agreed upon would be charged by default. Should the Client wish so, the new days of the service could be quoted in a separate, additional quote.
  • Changes in the language pair (e.g. after arranging an English-French simultaneous interpreting service, this is changed to English-Portuguese) or language direction (e.g. after arranging an English-into-German simultaneous interpreting service, a German-into English interpretation is requested instead): if they took place after the maximum time limit to cancel the service free of charge —if any—, the total amount of the service quoted for the language pair/direction initially agreed upon would be charged by default. Should the Client wish so, the new language pair/direction could be quoted in a separate, additional quote.
  • Changes in the hub location (city/country) —if applicable—: if they took place after the maximum time limit to cancel the service free of charge —if any—, the total amount of the service quoted for the city initially agreed upon would be charged by default. Even so, should the Client wish so, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. would provide the Client with a new quote as soon as the change in the venue is communicated.
  • Changes in the interpreting modality: were the interpreters to interpret in a modality which is different from what is indicated in the quote without prior notice (e.g. a simultaneous interpretation becomes a consecutive service due to technical problems or logistical changes), Vita Specialized Translators S.L. has to approve this change after checking that the working conditions are still adequate, and after agreeing with the Client on the possible surcharge that may apply. Should it be impossible to provide the service under adequate conditions, this would be regarded as either a force majeure event (if it is due to technical or similar reasons) or as a cancellation of the service by the Client. Therefore, the relevant conditions would apply.

Per diems and travel expenses

If the service is performed from a hub in a different city from the interpreters’ domicile, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall detail in the quote the amount for per diems, travel and accommodation expenses. If the Client directly books and pays for the interpreters’ accommodation, at least a three-star hotel with breakfast included shall be provided.



Translation, proofreading, review, transcreation, and DTP services

Delivery date

Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall specify in the quote the delivery date agreed with the Client. Should the Client wish an earlier delivery date after accepting the quote —and should the team at Vita Specialized Translators S.L. be able to meet such a request—, the relevant surcharge would be communicated to the Client and, in case of conformity, the translation would be delivered by the new agreed-upon delivery date.

Format and desktop publishing layout

In order to limit costs and avoid having to change the layout of the translated document, the Client is advised to provide Vita Specialized Translators S.L. with documents in editable formats (e.g. Word). Should this not be possible, a surcharge shall be applied to the standard fee. Such surcharge will be specified in each case.

The translation is usually delivered in an editable format (e.g. Word) or in the same format as the file provided by the Client (e.g. PPT).

In the case of PDF texts, it is usually impossible to keep the correct layout, since the length of the text varies from language to language. In that case, there are two options: the Client could request an additional desktop publishing (or DTP) service —whose cost will be specified in each case—; otherwise, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. will deliver a non-formatted text (usually a Word file) and the Client will have the layout taken care of afterwards.


If the Client wishes specific terms to be maintained in the translations, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. must be provided with a glossary upon confirmation of the service.

Were the Client to inform about this, and request terminology changes, only after the translation has been delivered, such a circumstance would be regarded as a modification, thus implying a surcharge (see the following section).


Any modification that the Client requests after accepting the quote —e.g. changes in the original documents, requests for specific terms to be used, without indicating so in advance, additional requests for DTP services, a change in the deadline, etc.— shall imply an additional surcharge, which will be specified every time, depending on the specific case. Therefore, the Client’s confirmation is required before proceeding.

Additionally, any request based on style preferences —if it has to do with subjective views rather than objective language mistakes— shall be regarded as a modification.

Cancellation of service

By default, if the service is cancelled after the quote has been accepted, the Client shall pay 100% of the quoted fee, unless otherwise indicated within the cancellation clause included in the quote.

Certified/Sworn translations

In the case of certified/sworn translations, the Client will be responsible for inquiring about the specific requirements of the authority to which the translation will be submitted.

Vita Specialized Translators S.L. declines any responsibility regarding the truthfulness and authenticity of the documents received for its certified/sworn translation.

Moreover, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. declines any responsibility for delays in the delivery by courier, as well for any other inconvenience beyond its control, such as the loss of the translated documents. If Vita Specialized Translators S.L. arranges the mail delivery service on behalf of the Client, the company would contact the courier to solve the problem as favourably for the Client as possible. However, in case of loss of the translated documents, the Client shall have to bear the fee —which will be specified in each case— in order to go through the procedures again. To avoid any inconvenience, the Client is advised to request a shipping insurance.

Property of translation memories and term bases

Linguists of Vita Specialized Translators S.L. use CAT (computer-assisted tools) tools, involving translation memories and term bases, to guarantee terminological consistency and high-quality translations. Even though the Client owns the translated texts after paying for the service, any translation memory and term base created and managed by the company and its linguists shall be regarded exclusively as Vita Specialized Translators S.L.’s intellectual property.


General terms and conditions about the website

Ownership of the website

Company name: Vita Specialized Translators S.L.

Address: Calle Elda 12, 9º P18, 03560 El Campello, (Alicante, Spain)

Tax ID number: ES-B42549592

Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Alicante, volume 4092, page 123, section 8, sheet number 158240, inscription 1

(Information provided in accordance with Spanish Act 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce)

General conditions of use and acceptance thereof

The purpose of these general conditions of use of the website, along with any specific conditions that may be set, is to provide Users with regulations and information regarding the services provided by Vita Specialized Translators S.L and to regulate the use of the website. Navigating and using the website’s services implies accepting all of the general conditions of use as a User without reservations of any kind, all of the general contract conditions —if any—, and any other conditions that may exist in relation to the services provided by Vita Specialized Translators S.L., which may modify these general conditions at any time and without prior notice. Users of this website must always refrain from eliminating, altering, evading or manipulating any protective element or security system that may be installed therein. Users will answer to Vita Specialized Translators S.L. and/or third parties for any damage or harm they may cause as a consequence of breaching said obligation.

Industrial and intellectual property. Hyperlink policy

All content included in the website, and particularly brands, trade names, industrial designs, drawings, texts, photographs, graphics, logos, icons, software or any other signs that may have an industrial or commercial use, is protected by the industrial and intellectual property rights of Vita Specialized Translators S.L. or those of the third-party owners thereof who authorized their inclusion on the website. Any use or reproduction thereof with any means, including over the Internet (domain names, social network, blogs, etc.) is consequently prohibited without the explicit consent of Vita Specialized Translators S.L.

Vita Specialized Translators S.L. shall not be liable for any violation of intellectual or industrial property rights that may arise from the inclusion on the website of brands, trade names, industrial designs, patents, designs, texts, photographs, graphics, logotypes, icons or software belonging to third parties who declared their ownership of said elements upon their inclusion on the website. Under no circumstances will the User’s access or browsing be interpreted as an authorization, or that the aforesaid rights have been waived, transmitted or wholly or partially ceded, or that any right or the expectation of any right has been ceded, including, but not limited to, the right to alter, use commercially, reproduce, distribute or publicize said content without the express prior authorization of Vita Specialized Translators S.L., or from the corresponding owners.

Liability of Vita Specialized Translators S.L.

The User recognises and accepts that the use of the website and its services is under their sole responsibility. Nevertheless, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. declares to have adopted all necessary measures, within its possibilities and as allowed by the state of the art, to guarantee the correct functioning of the website, as well as to avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other elements that could harm the User.

User’s obligations and the use of the website

The User shall use the website’s content diligently, properly and legally, without engaging in any illegal conduct or using the website content for illicit ends or in any other way that could harm either Vita Specialized Translators S.L. or the website’s functioning. The User is responsible for keeping their access details, keys and passwords secret.

Applicable legislation

The relationships established between the User and the website owner will be governed by the provisions of the regulations in force as regards the applicable competent jurisdiction. The Spanish legislation shall apply in all circumstances.

Data protection policy

In accordance with the provisions laid down in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April, the Client’s/Users’ data shall or might be included in a file owned by Vita Specialized Translators S.L. —tax ID no. ES-B42549592 and legal address in Calle Elda 8º P15, 03560 El Campello, Alicante (Spain), e-mail:—. Without their treatment, it would be impossible to fulfil the contract [art. 6.1.b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679] or deal with the Client’s/User’s request [art. 6.1.a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679]. The data will be treated for the duration of the service provision and will be kept for the duration of the applicable limitation period —of at least five years since the User’s last action—.

Furthermore, Users’ authorization is needed to offer them products or services that are related to those they requested, to send them communications and to carry out customer retention actions.

Recipients of Users’ data might be suppliers, business partners and other entities that require them with the sole purpose of meeting legal obligations. In all cases, an equivalent level of confidentiality shall be maintained.

Users shall be able to contact the data protection officer, if any, or exercise their rights of access, rectification, objection, deletion, restriction, portability or others that are legally established, via any of the addresses that are provided, by attaching a copy of their ID or similar identification document. Should Users want to take legal action, they can do so before the competent supervisory authority, i.e. the Spanish data protection agency,

Cookies policy

In accordance with Spanish Act 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. hereby informs its Users of how cookies are used to improve the service being provided. If you continue browsing without changing the cookie configuration, we will assume that you agree to the installation of cookies. Moreover, should you not wish to receive cookies, you can configure your Internet browser to delete them from your system’s hard disk, block them, or to alert you when they are installed, as explained at the end of this text.

Furthermore, Vita Specialized Translators S.L. hereby informs Users that cookies will only be used to keep the browsing session open.

They never store personal data. Should Users not wish to accept the cookies, they must eliminate this possibility in their own browser’s settings.

How to manage cookies in different browsers:

You may allow cookies, block cookies or delete installed cookies by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer accordingly.

Disabling cookies in Chrome
Disabling cookies in Firefox
Disabling cookies in Internet Explorer

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that contain information that help us understand how our Users browse our website, and thus work to continuously improve the browsing process. They have an expiration date that can range from the time that a session remains open to a specified future date upon which they will cease to be functional.

What kind of cookies do we use and what is their purpose?

– Strictly necessary or technical cookies: These cookies are necessary for the website to be used correctly. They enable access to sections with security filters. Without these cookies some or all of the available services would not be functional.

– Browsing or analysis cookies: These cookies collect usage and tracking information on visitors to our website. The information collected is used for the purpose of introducing improvements based on the analysis of the data regarding how the Users use the service. The main goal is to improve the website’s functionality. Regarding the processing of data received through analysis cookies, the Working Party under article 29 (European advisory body on data protection) has stated that, despite the fact that they are not exempt from the obligation to acquire informed consent to be used, it is improbable that they represent a risk to User privacy so long as the cookies are first-party, processing aggregate data for strictly statistical purposes, information about their use is provided, and Users are allowed to refuse their use.